Nadine Cino

“As our guide through the realms of opportunity in AI, Joe, you are astonishing in the way you adapt the tools to help us solve everyday problems.”

That’s what I love; that’s what I’m here for. As I learn from you and apply it in my own ways, I’m finding I’m solving many more business problems than I ever could have imagined with AI, and it’s saving me time and helping me make money faster.

Nadine Cino

CEO and Founder of TygaSmart

“So many things that can be done with AI!”

Right now I’ve got 250 podcasts that I can put through Opus to make clips for me. My goodness, that’s astounding.

Will Crist

Certified EOS Implementer of EOS Worldwide
Will Crist
Steve Gard

“You’re an amazing mentor about AI.”

I’ve got four pages of notes, and every note here has something different, like gamma and persona and so on. There’s a lot to learn and understand, but what I really like is reviewing the meeting recording afterward. I pause the video and can actually adopt the techniques and use the tools. I appreciate it, Joe. Great work.

Steve Gard

Business Networking Consultant of Network In Action

“I learned years ago, you never want to be the smartest person in the room…”

you just want to hang out with them. And through my business, I’ve got seven or eight people, members of what I call my posse. You’re one of them! You’re right at the top! People that I learn from continually. And I swipe and deploy and this has helped me dramatically in my business. The one thing that I will say is your question about AI support has resulted in meaningful assignments, keeping me engaged for five to six hours each week. Thank you.

Jon Keel

Founder and CEO of Improved Together, LLC
Jon Keel
Rick Kloete

“What I took away has been great..”

and I really enjoy that you are not just teaching what AI does, you’re helping us bridge the gap between how to apply it in our businesses and get real results. And nobody else is doing it the way you’re doing it. You know, Alex Armozi, one of our joint mentors and heroes, he’s all about paying other people for their experiences. I don’t have enough time in my life to learn what you’ve already learned, thank you for sharing it with us and breaking it down in a very simple, easy to understand way. Thank you, it’s working! I love it!

Rick Kloete

President of Kloete Group, Inc

“I’m truly grateful for the way you break down complex concepts…”

not just demonstrating but explaining the ‘why’ and ‘how.’ Today’s revelation about testimonials and the Opus has left me in awe; it’s a complete game-changer. Your ability to showcase possibilities I didn’t know existed is truly amazing. Like others, I’m overwhelmed by the mentorship and learning experience – my head is exploding. Your teaching style is unparalleled; you don’t just tell us, but you show us in real life and generously provide the tools. It’s a genuine game-changer, and I can’t express enough thanks for your impactful and comprehensive approach to teaching. Simply put, thank you. There aren’t enough words.

Rhonda Sher

LinkedIn Consultant, Coach, Speaker and Trainer
Rhonda Sher